Dating A Virgo Man? Here's What To Know, From How To Turn Him On To Compatibility Basics

Got your eye on a Virgo man but want to know what you're getting yourself into? We've got you covered on the Virgo prototype, from dating do's and don'ts, to what turns him on—and what will make him ghost.
Here's what to know about Virgo men, keeping in mind that these astrological details could apply to any Virgo, regardless of gender.
Virgo overview
Virgo is an earth sign of mutable modality and is symbolized by the maiden, or "Virgin," representing Virgo's discerning and scrupulous nature. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, the sign of Virgo is also associated with the sixth house of routines and service.
Being that it's a mutable sign, Virgo can be flexible when it makes sense to them—but they aren't easily destabilized, which is why they're so self-assured. The sixth house also has to do with self-care, so Virgos can be clean freaks, a bit obsessive, and of course, expect the same diligence from you.
As an earth sign, these folks are long term and detail-oriented, aka they're not here for the frill or the fling. They're one of two signs Mercury rules, along with heady Gemini, making Virgos a force to be reckoned with in an argument.
That said, if you're gonna go up against a Virgo, make sure you come with receipts. Virgos are not only known to be perfectionists, but when operating from their shadow qualities, they can be judgmental, think pretty darn highly of themselves, and have unreasonably high expectations for others.
Virgo man key traits:
- Long-term oriented
- Committed
- Meticulous
- Perfectionists
- Organized
- Eloquent
- Discerning
- Analytical
- High standards
- Quick-witted
- Adaptable
The Virgo man in love
A Virgo man is going to be an attentive partner in love, listening to your likes and dislikes and expecting you to offer him the same attention in return.
His love language can be tactile, as he is an earth sign, making gifts (both giving and receiving) an act of appreciation when done with thought and intention.
Being ruled by Mercury, Virgo men will also be keen on communication, so words of affirmation are often a resonant love language for them. Bring on the pet names!
Signs a Virgo man is interested in you:
- He factors you into his future plans
- He trusts you enough to let you into his inner world and/or home
- He compliments you (accolades don't come freely from Virgos)
Signs a Virgo man is not interested in you:
- He lists all the ways you don't fulfill his checklist as a partner
- He starts calling you out (your time might be limited)
- He gets frustrated when you aren't able to make up your mind
Virgo man compatibility
Virgos match well with their astrological opposite, Pisces. They strike a soulmate balance for each other, a "yin and yang," one might say.
Where Pisces wants to be dreamy and fanciful, Virgo complements them by creating a tangible, long-term vision. They are both focused on others, whether it's through Virgo's meticulous attention to progress or Pisces' enduring cheerleader quality—so they're always showing up empathically.
Virgos are also a sturdy earth sign, which is a great dating quality for Cancers, who require frequent attention and reassurance. Virgos like to plan for the future and tend to keep onto relationships for the long haul, which is welcomed by the Cancer, who is extremely loyal to their loved ones.
Lastly, Virgos and driven Capricorns can make great pairs. Capricorns love to be in charge, plus they're goal-oriented, making these two signs very compatible. They'll be running the world together as a power couple, well versed in hard work and taking criticism as a form of growth. They also both appreciate privacy in their personal lives—when they're not flashing their rewards and accolades.
All that to say, have no fear if you're not a Pisces, Cancer, or Cap. Astrological compatibility is best determined by taking both people's entire birth charts into account (aka synastry or relationship astrology), in order to understand all the different aspects at play.
The Virgo man in the bedroom
Virgo men are very attentive lovers, paying attention to how you respond to their advances. They are always taking note, and they are open to feedback—remember Virgos always want to be the best!
Being ruled by Mercury makes them creative when it comes to pleasure language, and they have a can-do attitude when trying new things.
And don't forget that the sixth house influences Virgo to be of service. Virgo men are going to gain much pleasure out of knowing they gave you an orgasm, making them the perfect giver.
The Virgo man at work
Virgo men are self-starters, taking control of the checklist, making sure the details are not being overlooked, and doing it with glee. There's always a need for the visionary and leader, who comes with consistency and focus on the tedious tasks, and a Virgo will work with tact and perfection.
These men are reliable, committed to their job, and confident about their deliverables. With the influence of the sixth house, dictating self-care and schedules, they want to show up at work, as well as for themselves.
How to please a Virgo man
If you want to please a Virgo man, all you have to do is listen. Being ruled by Mercury, he's going to ask for what he wants.
A Virgo man is also going to work hard to please and understand you, so he'll feel most accomplished and appreciated when you reciprocate and show gratitude for all he does.
A Virgo is a planner, so if you take the initiative to plan a date, or let them in on your plans for your future together, they will swoon. When they give you a suggestion or feedback and you actually take it into account, not only will you be bettering yourself, but you'll be making them one happy Virgo man, showing that you trust and respect their advice.
What is the Virgo man attracted to?
A Virgo man is attracted to someone who is consistent, dependable, and a good listener. It also goes a long way when you take notes on what they say and apply it. A Virgo man will be attracted to someone who takes care of themselves and puts effort into their appearance.
What is the personality of a Virgo male?
A Virgo male is going to be a perfectionist in terms of appearance and how they show up in the world. They are dependable and detail oriented when it comes to work and how they operate. Expect their house to be organized and color coded, and expect high expectations!
How does a Virgo man show love?
A Virgo man appreciates attention to detail, and that's how they love too. Expect thoughtful gifts, as well as specific compliments. Know that compliments and signs of affection don't come easy to a Virgo man, so if he's showing it, he's serious. Once a Virgo man has decided on someone, they go all in for the long haul.
Is a Virgo man clingy?
A Virgo man is going to be grounded and focused on their own goals; they aren't typically going to show signs of codependency as an emotionally stable sign. However, once they have decided that you fulfill their ideal partner checklist, they will devote and commit themselves to you. If you're not sure about them, making a five-year plan with each other could seem scary. But they are good with taking their own space to care for themselves and will expect the same of you.
The takeaway
A Virgo man is a great person to consider dating when you know what you want and you're ready to commit to a long-term relationship. Make sure you are ready to grow and be your best self because they won't accept anything less—but if you do, they'll be dependable and pay attention to the little things, making you feel cared for.
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