Everything To Know If You're Curious About A Taurus Man, From Astrologers

When you have a new crush, one of the first things you might find out about them is their zodiac sign—which, of course, can reveal a lot about the crush in question.
And if your love interest is a Taurus man? You're in luck because here, we're diving into everything there is to know about Taurus men, from what to expect when dating to how to please him, plus how to tell if he's actually interested.
Note: Keep in mind that this information could apply to men who are Taurus suns or Taurus risings.
Taurus basics
- Ruling planet: Venus
- Element: Earth
- Modality: Fixed
- Polarity: Yin (feminine)
- Glyph: ♉ (a circle with horns to represent a bull)
- Symbolized by: The bull
- Taurus man celebrities: George Clooney, David Beckham, Robert Pattinson, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Channing Tatum, John Cena, Shemar Moore, Henry Cavill, Rami Malek, Jet Li, Jack Nicholson, James McAvoy, Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel, Bono
Taurus is the second sign of the astrological year and is a fixed-earth sign. Being an earth sign, Taurus' polarity is yin (or feminine), and it is symbolized by the Bull, representing Taurus' strong and steady—but often stubborn—personality.
Taurus is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty in astrology, which makes Taureans especially appreciative of simple pleasures, lavish luxuries, and everything in between.
If it's appealing to the senses or otherwise pleasurable, you can pretty much count a Taurus in.
But this is only scratching the surface of all there is to know about Taurus men! Read on to learn more about their personalities and behavior.
Taurus man key traits
When it comes to Taurus men, understand that they tend to be pretty straightforward people, no fluff or frills—so take their words and actions at face value.
Where air signs can be somewhat coy or flighty, for instance, grounded and earthy Taurus is going to say what they mean and mean what they say.
As Christopher Renstrom, astrology expert and author of Rise and Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World, puts it, "What you see is really what you get with Taurus." In other words, these are people who are "to the point" and focused on practical results.
"They're very comfortable in their own skin, and they project reliability, consistency, and calm under pressure," Renstrom explains, adding that Tauruses don't have to "fight" their way to the top—they get there steadily through hard work. "Their manner is usually very gentle and kind," he notes.
A few more keywords associated with Taurus men include:
- Practical
- Slow and steady
- Stubborn
- Indulgent
- Sensual
- Reliable
- Hardworking
- Consistent
- Creative
- Steady
- Lazy
Taurus man in love
When it comes to relationships, Taurus is concerned with practicality and commitment, not flings. Taurus men, like the bull they're symbolized by, have great endurance, and their fixed quality pushes them to see things through.
Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, Taurus men also have a certain softness that makes them feel trustworthy and safe to others. It's quite possible they'll be attractive, too, as Venus is the planet of beauty—but Taureans are often too humble to realize how good-looking they are.
As astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn explains, Venus' influence over Taurus makes them relationship-oriented, so they're more likely to embrace commitment than, say, a Sagittarius or Gemini.
However, while they're not quick to anger, they can be stubborn. Like all the fixed signs, Taurus can have a "my-way-or-the-highway" streak, and being fixed-earth can also lead to a propensity for laziness and seeking comfort over all else.
That said, don't be surprised if your Taurus man would prefer to stay home and have a cozy night in rather than going out on the town.
And if you're bringing drama to the table, you might want to think again if you want to win a Taurus man's heart. As Renstrom tells mindbodygreen, "Nothing turns a Taurus rising off faster than drama," and they'll have no problem cutting people off if they encroach on their comfort.
All in all, dating a Taurus man is grounded, comforting, and sensual. Expect plenty of cuddling, affection, and lovemaking but maybe not as much adventuring or spontaneity, relative to the other zodiac signs.
Signs a Taurus man is interested in you
- He's willing to compromise for you
- He's affectionate with you
- He factors you into his long-term plans
- He insists on picking up the tab, treating you, or bringing you gifts
- He likes having you around his friends and family
- He makes an active effort to talk or spend time with you
- He doesn't shy away from commitment
Signs a Taurus man is not interested in you
- He can only get together when it's convenient for him
- He says he isn't looking for a serious relationship (take his word for it!)
- He avoids deeper intimacy and emotional connection
- He blows hot and cold with communication or hanging out
- He doesn't go out of his way to do anything special for you
Taurus compatibility
Before we get into Taurus compatibility, it's worth mentioning that astrological compatibility is best determined by taking both people's entire birth charts into account (aka synastry or relationship astrology), in order to understand the whole picture of the relationship.
With that being said, according to Quinn, Taurus is most romantically compatible with their fellow earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn, but also complement their opposite, Scorpio, and the other water signs, Cancer and Pisces.
A Taurus and a Libra can also do well together, as they're both ruled by Venus.
Ultimately, Taurus wants a partner who's reliable, has emotional depth, and feels like a safe place for them to land. The earth signs offer this necessary stability, while the water signs offer the emotional security and "warm and fuzzy" feelings Tauruses so love.
Most compatible with Taurus men
- Scorpio
- Virgo
- Capricorn
- Cancer
- Pisces
- Taurus
- Libra
Least compatible with Taurus men
- Aries
- Gemini
- Leo
- Sagittarius
- Aquarius
Taurus man in the bedroom
Like all the earth signs, Taurus is an extremely sensual sign. For them, sex and love are part of the same equation; they want to feel fully immersed in the bedroom experience.
According to Quinn, thanks to Venus, Taurus men are driven by romance and pleasure. They want to feel good, and they'll love you for helping them with that.
And depending on your Taurus man's taste, the vibes in the bedroom could range from wild and raunchy to romantic and sweet.
Whether he leans more freaky or more sentimental, he will want to spend plenty of intimate time together, and sexual compatibility will be a big factor in initial attraction, as well as long-term potential.
This is definitely not a bad thing, but keep in mind that Taurus can have a tendency for escapism, enjoying comforts like good food or their favorite movies but also sex.
So, it's important for a Taurus man not to use sex to deal with difficult emotions, boredom, etc.
Taurus man at work
At work, a Taurus approaches their projects like everything else: slowly and steadily. Of course this makes them reliable, even if they're not the speediest workhorse in the race.
As aforementioned, Taurus men aren't the folks who have to push their way to the top—they simply impress their employer with their work ethic until they eventually move up and up.
As Renstrom explains, any job that involves building, beautifying, or culture at large is well suited for Tauruses.
However, fixed-earth is a great quality to have when it comes to practical work matters, and this sign will likely thrive in any career path they go for.
"What's kind of unexpected is that there's that gentility and kindness of Taurus combined with this regular heavy lifting that they do—they're as strong as an ox," Renstrom explains.
And given that Taurus is associated with the second house of money, material possessions, and financial security, you can bet a Taurus man is going to work for it.
If you're looking for a dependable man who is going to fulfill that breadwinner archetype, bringing home the bacon and the occasional "just because" gift, a Taurus man is a safe bet.
How to please a Taurus man
So, at this point you might be wondering, How can I win a Taurus man's heart?
According to astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim, Taurus is very concerned with their values, and when they're living in alignment with them, they're content.
So, as a Taurus' partner, you must also honor their values (and ideally, share the same or similar values).
Given that they're an earth sign, they'll appreciate being on the same page about finances and material security, for instance, but also the comforts of good food, good music, and a cozy home.
If you're compatible with a Taurus man on those fronts, he will be content.
And as professional intuitive and author of Empath Heart Tanya Carroll Richardson recently wrote for mindbodygreen, Tauruses "value stability, enjoy nature, and Earth's sensual pleasures—and admire your ability to stand your ground on an issue." So don't be afraid to engage your grounded energy! They'll respect you for it.
In terms of how a Taurus man shows love, Renstrom says, the instinct to provide and shelter is very strong for them, and they want to be recognized and appreciated for that.
Let them know how much you appreciate them and their heart will continue fluttering for you.
Lastly, be patient with your Taurus love. Just as they're the slow-and-steady bull of the zodiac, you must slowly and steadily show them what you need, and remember: more harmony, less drama.
The takeaway
If you've got your eye on a Taurus man, remember that what you see is what you get. If they're interested, you'll know—and anything less should be taken at face value.
Once you have their heart, a Taurus man is going to be a sensual, loyal, and steadfast lover who wants to build a loving and abundant future with you.
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