How To Treat Candida
The Complete Guide From A Holistic Nutritionist
By expert instructor Kimberly SnyderCOMMUNITY
Get guidance and connect with fellow classmatesLIFETIME ACCESS
View on your computer, phone tablet, or stream to your TV17 VIDEO LESSONS
By expert instructor Kimberly SnyderCOMMUNITY
Get guidance and connect with fellow classmatesLIFETIME ACCESS
View on your computer, phone tablet, or stream to your TVHow To Treat Candida
The Complete Guide From A Holistic Nutritionist
With Nutritionist & New York Times Best-Selling Author
- Week-by-week nutrition advice
- Never-before-seen recipes
- Supplement guidance
- An at-home test designed to let you know if you have candida
- Lifestyle tips to help you kick candida for good
Who Is This Class For?
You've suspected you have candida—or have been diagnosed with it.
You crave sugar daily.
You struggle with bloating or excess weight.
You find yourself suffering from constipation or other digestive problems.
You have acne or other skin problems.
You have hormone imbalances.
You struggle with brain fog.
You seem to catch every cold or flu that goes around.
By enrolling in this class, you’ll gain imperative knowledge on how to:
The causes and symptoms of candida.
How to diagnose whether or not you have candida, and how bad you may be suffering.
What to eat, what to avoid, & what to supplement with to stop candida in its tracks.
Class Outline
Getting Started On Your Journey
Meet Kimberly, as she fills you in on what this class is all about, who it was designed for, and what you can expect to get out of it. She’ll also tell you all about her own experience with candida, and how she developed the techniques that left her looking and feeling amazing today.
Candida 101
You may have heard the word candida, but do you know what it actually means, what causes it, or how to tell if you have it? In this module, Kimberly dives into all of the above, and gives you a quiz to determine if if you’re suffering from its effects and how severe it is.
The Real Cause Of Candida
In this module, you’ll get into some of the causes of candida, so you can begin to ascertain where your imbalance came from. Whether it’s diet-based or due to non-food factors, Kimberly will help you take a closer look at which of your dietary habits or lifestyle activities may be causing your candida.
Your 6-Week Plan To Get Rid of Candida, Once & For All
Welcome to the nitty-gritty part of the class, where you’ll finally learn to kick candida for good! In this 6-week plan, you’ll begin to starve the yeast and repair your gut using Kimberly’s signature techniques.
Extra Weapons In Your Fight Against Candida
Congratulations on completing your 6-week, candida-free plan! In this last module, Kimberly leaves you with a few extra weapons to arm yourself with in the fight against candida, so you can look and feel great far into the future.
Meet the Instructors
Kimberly Snyder
New York Times Best Selling Author
Kimberly Snyder, C.N., is a nutritionist and the New York Times bestselling author of the Beauty Detox book series. Snyder has appeared as a nutrition and beauty expert on Dr. Oz, Ellen, and Today, and has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Elle, and InStyle. She is also the creator of Glow Bio, an organic juice and smoothie company, and she hosts the popular podcast Beauty Inside Out. For her wellness products and more great health and beauty information, visit KimberlySnyder.com.
I was always tired, and my skin was horrible. I went to so many doctors and dermatologists and tried pills, creams, you name it. Kimberly helped me realize that candida was at the root of my problems, and her diet plan helped me finally kick it. Now I can't believe how good my skin looks, and how amazing I feel! I highly recommend her program to anyone who's feeling at all off, and who is ready to be their best self.
Kimberly Snyder is the real deal. I've been a big fan of hers for years—and for good reason! Her go-to smoothie is one of my favorites, plus my skin has never looked better.
I used to struggle with serious bloat, skin issues, the works! Now, I trust Kimberly to lead the way. Her story has inspired me to make my own health a priority, and I've never felt better than I do now.
What's Included
5 modules and 17 video lessons, filled with all the information you need
Week-by-week nutrition advice
Never-before-seen recipes
Supplement guidance
An at-home test designed to let you know if you have candida
Lifestyle tips to help you kick candida for good
Lifetime access to stream from your computer, phone or tablet
Watch Anywhere. Always.
Stream this class on your computer, phone or tablet, from anywhere with an internet connection.