5 Ways To Do A Natural Colon Cleanse At Home (Plus Why You May Need One)

Colon cleanses have become buzzy around the health and well-being space, as social media influencers continue to sing their praises.
However, the colon is a highly intellectual organ that routinely eliminates waste and bacteria by stimulating bowel movements. This raises the questions, is a colon cleanse necessary, and, if so, how can you colon cleanse at home?
What is a colon cleanse?
The colon (aka the large intestine) is the final piece of the digestive puzzle, explains Amanda Sauceda, M.S., R.D. This organ is responsible for taking what has been digested, forming stool, and stimulating bowel movements.
It absorbs water and is also home to a large population and variety of bacteria called the gut microbiome that, Sauceda says, play a significant role in digestion by "fermenting fiber1, producing neurotransmitters2, and housing 70-80% of immune cells3."
A colon cleanse, also called a gut cleanse, is the process of forcibly flushing out the intestines; in other words, making you go to the bathroom. It is not a weight loss tool but rather thought to be a way to enhance a person's gut health by cleaning out waste.
Sauceda describes pooping as the body's way of "taking out the trash" because the colon is essentially composed of the waste products from digestion. "You don't want that to build up, which is why pooping regularly can be a sign that you're detoxing well4."
Why do a natural colon cleanse?
It's important to note that the colon is a self-cleaning machine. It cleans itself through regular bowel movements to rid the body of waste and bacteria that, if built up, could cause symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, etc.
However, those who aren't experiencing regular bowel movements, whether that's because they are backed up or struggling with a chronic digestive condition like IBS or bloating, may choose to try a natural colon cleanse when seeking relief.
According to Sauceda, there is also currently no evidence to suggest that colon cleanses help prevent colon cancer. The only significant link to the disease is when a patient's physician orders a colonoscopy, during which a colon cleanse is part of the procedure prep.
"Before a colonoscopy, you have to clear or cleanse out the bowels, but this is a specific protocol for how that is done," Sauceda explains. "This ensures that when the doctor does the procedure they are able to get a clear view of the colon."
However, colon cancer has been linked to diets high in processed meats5, like sausages and hot dogs, and a high consumption of alcohol6. This is where good nutrition, like eating an abundance of fruits, veggies, and lean meats that are easy on your digestion, and supporting your overall gut health comes in.
Benefits of a colon cleanse
Though there are downsides to forced colon cleanses, there are two main benefits to at-home, all-natural colon cleanses: supporting a healthy gut microbiome and promoting regular bowel movements. "Regular bowel movements mean you're detoxing and getting rid of waste," Sauceda tells mbg.
Natural ways to clean the colon
Increase your fiber intake
There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. According to preventive cardiology dietitian Michelle Routhenstein, M.S., R.D., CDN, gradually increasing your intake of both, along with staying hydrated, is a natural way to cleanse the colon as they will help bulk and eliminate stool, reducing waste and toxins from the body.
Women 50 years of age and younger should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day, while men in the same age range should get at least 38 grams per day. Fiber needs decrease as we age, with women 51 and over requiring a minimum of 21 grams and men needing at least 30 grams. Read more about fiber recommendations.
Eat a diet rich in gut-cleansing foods
Regularly incorporating gut-cleansing foods and herbs into your diet is an easy way to maintain a healthy gut and naturally cleanse the colon.
These include fiber-rich foods, like leafy greens and berries, anti-inflammatory herbs and spices like turmeric and cayenne, pre- and probiotics including supplements and whole foods swarming with these good bacteria, like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
Fiber acts like a scrub brush in the colon, removing bacteria and buildup7.
There are plenty of fiber-rich seeds that are rock-star colon cleansers too, specifically chia and psyllium husk.
Two kiwis a day keeps the gastro away
One of Sauceda's go-to natural colon cleanses can be found in the produce aisle. Eating two kiwis a day, she says, was found to help relieve constipation8 in a recent study. "You can eat kiwi on its own, add it to smoothies, or add it as a topping to yogurt for a bonus of fermented foods."
The kiwi skin is edible too and rich in fiber, folate, and antioxidants9.
Get on board with ginger
Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D., previously shared her tried-and-true Ayurvedic wellness snack she aptly nicknamed the "ginger gut flush."
It's made with three ingredients—fresh lemon juice, fresh ginger, and sea salt—and the prep process is simple: Squeeze ½ cup of lemon juice into a cup or jar, cut the ginger into 1-inch strips, and soak it in the juice with sea salt.
Keep in the fridge for optimal freshness, and enjoy two pieces of ginger before each meal or just before dinner. The ginger will spark your digestive fire and improve digestion overall10.
Significant colon cleanses are typically part of medical procedures, such as colonoscopies. However, if you are interested in a natural colon cleanse without a medical professional's instruction or supervision, there are a handful of things to consider before you begin.
The first is whether or not a colon cleanse is necessary. Because most people don't need a drastic colon cleanse, it's always a good idea to talk to your general physician or a gastroenterologist about any uncomfortable symptoms you might be experiencing (i.e., constipation, gas, bloating, etc.). This way, you'll receive professional insight into your situation and see what treatments they would suggest.
You also need to consider the method of cleansing you want to try. Sauceda warns that over-the-counter cleanses on the market "have unnecessary ingredients or can be too much of a stimulant to the bowels."
They can cause discomfort and pain and make you run to the bathroom over and over again.
What about colonics?
Another trendy colon cleanse to be wary of is the TikTok-famous colonics cleanse. Sauceda defines colonics as a "cleansing technique" that uses water to flush out the colon. It is a procedure carried out by a trained professional with specialized equipment, including a nozzle that is inserted into the anus.
Though it may sound relatively harmless, some colonic procedures use other substances like coffee or herbs in addition to water to flush out the colon, and potential side effects include cramping, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, among others11.
Beyond abdominal discomfort, colon cleanses can also backfire in terms of their benefits. For example, during a small randomized controlled trial study12, participants underwent a colon cleanse similar to that of colonoscopy prep (they drank a mixture of bowel preparation to stimulate stool movement) and donated a stool sample for testing.
Results showed that participants cleansed their bowels of bad bacteria but also lost good bacteria in the process.
The link between gut health and a colon cleanse
The general consensus is that unless your medical provider recommends a colon cleanse or orders a colonoscopy, the colon is a sophisticated organ that regularly self-cleans without intervention.
That said, there are daily habits you can adopt that can enhance and support your overall gut health. Eating gut-friendly foods, staying hydrated, and moving your body daily encourage healthy digestion and an optimally performing colon.
How can I flush my colon?
Your colon is a self-cleansing organ that flushes itself out by stimulating bowel movements. Natural ways to flush the colon are eating fibrous foods, drinking water, and moving your body.
What comes out during a colon cleanse?
During a colon cleanse, bowel movements are stimulated by some form of intervention, pushing waste products, toxins, and harmful bacteria out of the body.
Is it good to detox your colon?
Unless recommended by a medical professional, detoxing the colon can be unnecessary and lead to negative side effects.
How do colon cleanses affect nutrient balance?
Routhenstein explains colon cleanses that lead to diarrhea and other non-dietary cleanses deplete the human body of nutrients, like electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals.
The takeaway
The colon, or large intestine, is the last step in the digestive tract before the body has a bowel movement. It is a self-cleaning organ that expels waste, toxins, and harmful bacteria in the stool it stimulates the body to pass.
Because of this natural process, at-home colon cleanses are unnecessary, unless a medical professional says otherwise.
12 Sources
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