Bovine Collagen: Benefits & Why You Should Only Use Grass-Fed

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body—found in our tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, bones, and blood vessels—and plays a vital role in maintaining its structural integrity.
Unfortunately, collagen production declines as we age, and we're consuming far less of it from natural sources than we used to. One remedy for that is to consume grass-fed bovine collagen.
Here's a rundown of the health benefits, potential side effects, and what to know about selecting your supplement of choice.
What is bovine collagen?
Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein1 present in the connective tissue, bones, cartilage, and hides of cows. Typically the collagen supplements you see in stores are derived from cowhides.
There are several types of collagen, each composed of different amino acids. The collagen from cows happens to be similar to the collagen we have in our own bodies.
Three types of collagen—Type I, Type II, and Type III—comprise about 90%2 of all the collagen in the human body, and bovine collagen supplements typically contain Type I and Type III.
Type I and Type III collagen are found together in the body and serve similar functions. They both help maintain the health and structure of skin, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and organs.*
Both types are found in the intestines as well, suggesting that they play an important role in gut health.* (Type II collagen, on the other hand, is often found in cartilage and only promotes joint health. It's found in marine collagen, along with Type I, but marine collagen lacks the essential Type III present in bovine collagen.)
What is it about Types I and III that are so special? It's all about the amino acids. While there are 18 amino acids in bovine collagen, it's the presence of a few key amino acids that lends the majority of the perks: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline3.
These three amino acids are crucial building blocks of collagen, tendons, and ligaments and have been shown to support health in a number of other ways, such as promoting normal inflammatory processes and supporting immune function4.*
It's important to note that bovine collagen does not contain all nine essential amino acids, so it's not a complete protein. While it does contain amino acids that are often lacking in our modern diets, it's still key that you get enough complete protein from other sources. Research shows that 10% to 35% of your calories should come from protein.
Why we suggest hydrolyzed collagen over gelatin
The two forms of bovine collagen that you'll encounter in the supplement market are hydrolyzed collagen and gelatin. Both have the same amino acid profile, but they differ in structure and how they react with liquids. Here's how:
Hydrolyzed collagen (aka collagen hydrolysate or collagen peptides)
Hydrolyzed collagen is simply collagen that's been broken down into smaller units of protein (or collagen peptides) through a process called hydrolysis. These smaller bits of protein make it so hydrolyzed collagen can easily dissolve in hot or cold liquids, which makes it ultra-convenient for adding to your morning coffee, smoothie, or oatmeal.
These small units of protein are also easy for you to digest and absorb, which means the amino acids can be effective in the body.* (Here are seven tasty ways to include hydrolyzed collagen in your diet.)
While gelatin5 may cause bloating in some people due to its larger units of protein, it doesn't affect everyone this way. It does, however, always cause liquids to gel, so it's most useful if you're looking to use it as an ingredient to make things like healthy gummies, gelatin desserts, and custards or to thicken up soups and stews.
The health benefits of consuming bovine collagen:
It plumps and hydrates the skin*
A reduction in collagen (specifically Type I and Type III) happens naturally with age, thus encouraging the appearance of wrinkles, drying out the skin and eliminating that youthful, dewy glow you once took for granted. On the bright side, collagen supplements may help manage the aging process.*
In one study6, 15% of women who took a supplement containing hydrolyzed Type I collagen (a type present in bovine collagen), had fewer facial lines and wrinkles after 60 days, 32% of the women had a level of photo-aging (skin damage caused by prolonged sun exposure), and 39% had supported skin moisture.* Another study7 found a hydrolyzed collagen supplement promoted skin elasticity after four weeks.*
It helps support digestion and heal the gut*
When you have a leaky gut, foreign particles like undigested food are able to enter your bloodstream and wreak havoc on your body, encouraging inflammation and upping your risk for autoimmune diseases. Since collagen is a component of the gut's connective tissue and lining, taking collagen may help manage a leaky gut.*
"For the same reasons collagen helps support and grow muscle tissue, it serves as an excellent nutrient source for rebuilding the rapidly dividing cells that line the interior of the gut," gut expert Vincent Pedre, M.D., told mbg.*
It supports muscle strength*
All protein is important for building muscle, and bovine collagen is no exception. In one study of men with sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), those taking a hydrolyzed collagen supplementation combined with resistance training bettered their muscle strength8 and lost more fat than a placebo group.*
"The men who supplemented their workouts saw more fat-free mass, muscle strength, and fat loss.* Given their age, this is quite remarkable! Consistently supplementing with collagen can make your workouts stronger at any age," Pedre said of the study.*
Collagen is a concentrated source of the amino acid glycine, which helps your body produce creatine.* In turn, creatine has been shown to help support muscle mass9 and better exercise performance10.*
Hydrolyzed collagen is also easier to digest than other popular proteins, like whey, making it a smart addition to your pre-workout smoothie that's less likely to cause gastrointestinal upset.*
It can lull you into a deeper sleep*
The most abundant amino acid in bovine collagen, glycine, has promising sleep perks.* One review of research revealed that ingestion of glycine before bed bettered self-perceived sleep quality among people prone to poor sleep.* It also suggested that glycine may help manage core body temperature, which is associated with better sleep.*
Erratic spikes and dips in blood sugar can interfere with quality sleep, too, while collagen (which often contains around 20 grams of protein per serving) can help even those out.*
It supports nail health and hair growth*
Anecdotal evidence abounds of collagen’s ability to support hair growth and strengthen nails.* In one small study, participants who took 2.4 grams of collagen peptides every day for 24 weeks experienced a 12% rise in nail growth rate11 and a 42% drop in the frequency of broken nails, suggesting collagen promotes growth and strengthens nails.*
In another small study, the supplement Nutrafol, which contains 1,680 mg of Type I and Type III hydrolyzed collagen, supported hair growth rate, volume, and thickness.*
Bovine collagen side effects
Good news: There really aren't many side effects of bovine collagen, and it's received a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. As mentioned in the section about hydrolyzed collagen versus gelatin, the main complaint has been bloating and stomach upset among some people who take gelatin, due to the larger size of its proteins.
That said, you should definitely avoid bovine collagen if you have an allergy to beef and if you're currently taking any medication, check with your doctor to make sure collagen won't interfere with its effectiveness.
Why you should only use grass-fed collagen:
While safe to consume, you still need to be mindful of where your bovine collagen supplement is coming from. A good strategy is to seek out a product that has been third-party verified to contain what the label says it contains and to be free of contaminants (reputable groups that test supplement ingredients include NSF International, USP, and UL).
Because bovine collagen is typically derived from cowhides, you should also consider how those cows were raised and what they were fed—both for your health and the health of the environment.
Always seek out a bovine collagen supplement from an established company that sources their product from humanely raised, grass-fed, or pasture-raised cows (if they don't call this out on their label, that's typically a red flag).
"Grass-fed collagen is the way to go," Ariane Hundt, M.S., a clinical nutrition coach in New York City. When grass-fed, 100% organic collagen is created and it's derived from animals that were raised in strict standards, this ensures better quality. "[It] means the animal has never been given any antibiotics, was able to forage and feed on greens, and wasn't confined like factory animals," Hundt explains.
The bottom line:
Collagen supplements provide your body with essential amino acids to support your hair, skin, nails, gut, joints, and more.* By taking a grass-fed bovine collagen supplement, you will be getting the essential Type I and Type III collagens, which offer more robust full-body benefits.*
Just ensure yours is from an established company that sources their product from humanely raised, grass-fed, or pasture-raised cows.
11 Sources
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